How to Purchase $COD on PancakeSwap?

Step 1:

Visit PancakeSwap and import $COD token with our contract address:


Note: Beware of scams and ensure that you check and copy our correct and official token address for the $COD token:

Step 2: Connect your wallet to PancakeSwap. You can choose any of the wallets on PancakeSwap.

Step 3: Under “Select a Token”, choose the token you want to use to buy $COD token. You can choose any of the tokens supported on PancakeSwap.

Step 4: In this example, we use BNB to buy $COD token. Enter the BNB quantity you want to use to buy $COD token.

Note: You may be required to adjust and raise the “slippage tolerance” due to price impact.

Step 5: Click [Swap] button and [Confirm] on your wallet.

Note: If you are not using BNB to buy $COD, you are required to click [Approve] button and [Confirm] on your wallet.

Step 6: Wait for the transaction to be mined and congratulations! You have bought the $COD token successfully.

City of Dream is listed on Pancakeswap!

$COD Contract Address:


About PancakeSwap

PancakeSwap is the leading decentralized exchange on Binance Smart Chain, with the highest trading volumes in the market. Trading fees are lower than other top decentralized exchanges too, so that’s a double win for you! Unlike centralized exchanges like Binance or Coinbase, PancakeSwap doesn’t hold your funds when you trade: you have 100% ownership of your own crypto.

Last updated