Oracle is to balance the expenditure of $codt and the casting cost with the current dollar value of $COD.
This means that if the dollar value of each $codt increases, the following will happen:
$COD expense decrease
Lower employee cost of pancakes $COD
The reason for using Oracle is to balance the ecological economy around the set dollar value. A limited number of $COD can circulate in the economy, and the influx of players may deplete all $COD existing in the game contract.
By using the Oracle machine, city of dreams forms a correlation between active users and the dollar value of $COD. Suppose that when the price of $COD rises, the demand for $COD will also increase through the release of new game features or the influx of new players.
The Oracle will ensure that the dollar value payment of each transaction is consistent, and ensure that the minting cost of NFT remains at the same dollar value. This means that the admission cost and reward can be balanced and maintained for a long time, and will accurately reflect the required casting cost. Even if the dollar value of $COD increases, new players will have the opportunity to participate in the game.
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